Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

i am being watched

I am being watched by the police or someone from there. I want to know if they can pug my phone, and if they come into my house can they arrest me if they do not find what they are looking for. I was scared at first because I did know who it was now I do. Also are they aloud to have someone knock on you door to see if your home? (the peson runs away when I ansewer. One was a bag lady or dumster diver. Asking me if I had three big bags. she has never been in this area before. I went to the police department to file a report but they gave me the run around. Also he police officer never wrote nothing down but my drivers license on the report and said will we can keep and eye out, and have a few unmarked cars watche your house. Will that is who is watching it any way. I do not have a police record as of yet. what can I do to find out what is going on. Thank You

Asked on 7/24/04, 6:39 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael Stone Law Offices of Michael B. Stone Toll Free 1-855-USE-MIKE

Re: i am being watched

Visit the site for an inexpensive wearable device, one that you can build yourself, that will provide you with complete protection. This method may seem unusual to you; please be assured I am completely serious. Many clients of my law pratice have reported that this method has provided complete relief from their problems, and have thanked me profusely.

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Answered on 7/25/04, 12:09 am

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