Legal Question in Education Law in California

about educational loan issue

I am a student at a school. I have

had scholarship with state of

california. The school and the

scholarship made an greement.bill

then pay at end of quarter. I have an

email verifying this. Not paper. I took

out loans and they took my loans

outside this agreement .

There is 10 grand that the

scholarship paid them. and they are

not giving me my money back. I am

now out of school lost my place in a

prestigious internship abroad, lost

my expensive plane ticket, and was

poor, stavcing each of these

quarters, since they took the money

out of my personal loans, rather

than scholarship. they never billed

like they were supposed to, so my

scholarship sent checks too late,

therefor, I never got my money back

for a while year and a half, kept

taking out more and more personal

loans to pay school and expenses.

In result, my scholarship has kicked

me out because I am out of school

now, and my school still has not paid

me NOR billed them to pay!

Is there the option to sue and

receive funds for all of this? I have

little money for a lawyer. maybe a

couple hundred..thats it. Any cheap

options with good results?

options or advice?

Asked on 7/29/08, 5:52 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: about educational loan issue

Did you get kicked out of school because you did not get your scholarship money? Can you prove you lost this scholarship abroad because of this problem? You may contact my office to discuss.

Disclaimer: Nothing herein constitutes legal advice. No attorney client nor confidential relationship is created. You may not rely on attorney nor anything communicated unless and until an attorney-client relationship has been formed. Your issue may be time sensitive, requiring you to act immediately to prevent loss of your rights or harm to your interests.

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Answered on 7/29/08, 12:07 pm

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