Legal Question in Entertainment Law in California

At a pageant competition, there is talk that the hosting organization gave two rounds of questions and answers to Contestant A in advance to study while the other contestants received the questions during the round and had to give impromptu answers. Furthermore, there are witnesses that saw contestant A with the questions backstage, studying in the corner.

There is a rumor that Contestant A is deaf and is on SSI for hearing disability. If that is the case and the reason to why she got questions and answers in advance, then why didn't the other pageant contestants also get the questions in advance?

Additionally, Contestant A exceeded the maximum time limitations for two rounds, in which the talent round, Contestant A performed two talents. During the two talents, the hosting organization specifically verbalized to the remaining contestants that only one talent was allowed. When the parents complained about the time limitations (because all the other pageants shortened their talent to meet guidelines) and the two talents, the hosting organization's explanation to the other pageants and the pageant's parents was "Even though she performed two talents and exceeded time limitations, the organization takes responsibility. It already happen. Don't be sad. We need to respect Contestant A and her mother."

Furthermore, Contestant A's uncle was responsible for assigning people to the judging panel.

In the end, Contestant A won the pageant. The audience was shocked. Even the Youtube international audience is shocked as to why Contestant A won the pageant.

Post the pageant, the pageant coordinators stated that Contestant A won because she scored higher in the question rounds.

Also, the organization made all of the contestants sign a non-disclosure agreement as part of the competition registration.

Is there a case here?

Asked on 1/15/10, 10:09 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

I think there may be, and I think the matter is interesting. Do other contestants feel likewise? How much were entry fees? How many contestants? How much profit did the contestant organizers make? You may contact my office for a free consultation.

Daniel Bakondi

[email protected]

415 450 0424

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Answered on 1/20/10, 10:17 am

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