Legal Question in Family Law in California
I am a 16 year old mother and i want to get emancipayed to get married, but i am scared that my mom can get in trouble for giving me permission to do this. Last year cps was involved with us because they were told that i was pregnant by a guy older than me, and that my mom gave me permission to be with him, but no one knew I was dating him. When I met this guy I had told him I was 18, he didn't know my real age until I told him I was pregnant. cps and police opened a case to investigate. Months past and my mom, my baby's dad, and I got a call from a detective or judge and she said that they closed the case, she then told me I can file for emancipation and get married. The father of my baby is very supportive and he is a great father. If I file for emancipation a d I tell the judge what went on in the past year, is there a chance the judge will let me get emancipated?
1 Answer from Attorneys
You and your mother need to hire an attorney to guide you through the process of emancipation. You could also go to the local county court house and talk with the family law facilitator's office and ask them to guide you through the process.
If you have any questions or are looking to hire an attorney feel free to contact our office at .
Good luck