Legal Question in Family Law in California

altered pay-stub

I am so frustrated and don't know where to turn! My ex-husband works for his parents, his last pay-stub he submitted to the courts (his mother does the pay roll) were clearly altered. He turned in the first pay-stub of the year so shouldn't year to date be the same as the pay for that week not year to date double? He has had me in court so many times I can't afford an attorney any more (mommy & daddy pay his). He sends me weekly letters full of false allegations & harassment but always manages to end them on a positive so as to appear the good guy. A little insite on the guy, the 730 came back as ''invaild reading because it appears _ didn't answer truthfully in order to make himself appear better had him retake test it came back invalid as well''. But in the end he got what he wanted, which he has stated to me & the children ''it's not about the--name removed--& what they want it's about me & what I want''. I don't know where to turn or what to do at this point.

Asked on 2/16/08, 10:46 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Phillip Lemmons, Esq. Phillip Lemmons APC, Attorneys at Law

Re: altered pay-stub

there is not enough information here to give you good direction. you should consider taking a second job to pay for an attorney. you need competent guidance.

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Answered on 2/16/08, 2:49 pm

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