Legal Question in Family Law in California

Attorneys Fees

Divorce was final and my attorney withdrew from my case in March 2006. I picked my file up shortly thereafter. I called my attorney recently to discuss ''possibly'' re-opening my case because I just discovered my ex hid some high dollar assets from me. I thought, because I no longer have a contract with this attorney, and there is no wording in my contract stating fees would be incurred after he withdrew from my case, that my 5 minute phone call to him would be a courtesy and I wouldn't be charged. Unfortunately, when I received my next statement he billed me for $105 (the usual 20 min. of an hour). I still owe about $1,000 and should have him paid off by the end of this year. Can this attorney rightfully charge me the $105? My divorce is over and he withdrew from the case 6 months ago. Also, his secretary and bookkeeper won't return my phone calls to discuss this with me. Please help.

Asked on 9/18/06, 12:16 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys


Re: Attorneys Fees

Whether there is a contract or he proceeds under common law, if you ask him a legal question he can bill you for his time. Good Luck, Pat McCrary

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Answered on 9/18/06, 2:21 pm

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