Legal Question in Family Law in California
Child Custody - Out of Country
First of all, thank you in advance for your assistance. My nephew's dad was deported to Mexico two months ago, nephew's mom is in and out of jail all the time. My nephew is living with maternal grandma, and nephew's dad wants to have his son live with him in Mexico. Currently, nephew's mom is in jail. How do we go about getting nephew to Mexico, maternal grandma doesn't have legal custody of my nephew, but definitely she's getting government help for him (housing, food stamps, $$$ help). Paternal relatives (us) don't want to get any government help for our nephew. I know nephew's mom needs to get a passport for my nephew, or how do we get temporary custody of him so we can obtain his passport and then travel to Mexico to be with his dad. Most likely grandma will fight in court to get custody. Does nephew's dad has any parental legal rights even though he lives in Mexico now? Does maternal grandma has more legal rights than incarcerated mother or deportee dad? Please help, THANK YOU :-) We really want to be part of my nephew's life, in a legal way.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Child Custody - Out of Country
I may be able to help you with this issue. Please contact me at your earliest convenience.