Legal Question in Family Law in California
child custody/visitation
My ex-husband has two weeks of
summer vacation with our son. He is
not taking the weeks consecutively.
He is, however, using my weekends
for each week of the vacation. We
have a custody arrangement where
our son sees his dad every Thursday
and every other weekend. My ex-
husband is not offering to swap
weekends, he is simply using both his
and my weekend and the weekdays
in between. He told me that his
attorney said that a week is seven
days and it doesn't matter if part of
those seven days are my weekend.
Is this correct?
Thanks, Natalie
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: child custody/visitation
Summer visitation normally takes precedence over weekly visitation. However, that may or may not be the case for you consult with an attorney for an opinion as to the terms of visitation.