Legal Question in Family Law in California
child support backpay request
Does one have any legal standing to fight a request for backpay of childsupport if a request for the support was never received until now? I just received an order for childsupport & am told that I need to pay $6000 for 2 years of back pay. I have been with the same company for 8 years, no wages garnished, no knowledge of child. If I am the father, I will pay the monthly support, but I find it unfair that I am expected to come up w/ such a large sum of money now when I was never given the chance to make the monthly payments.
Asked on 10/17/08, 4:37 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Lyle Johnson
Bedi and Johnson Attorneys at Law
Re: child support backpay request
You should consult with an attorney immediately regarding your options. Any delay will weaken your case.
Answered on 10/27/08, 9:34 pm