Legal Question in Family Law in California

Does child support cover school lunches or is father responsible for the extra cost on this? Is there anyone who can tell us what child support covers????????? Please help.......

Asked on 8/25/11, 4:03 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

You have to look at your order to be sure. Generally, however, unless there are known, significant school expenses (such as the parties agree or the court rules the child should be in private school, or the child is a prodigy who needs special training, coaching, or lessons to flourish), or the child has extraordinary needs of some kind, child support covers everything except child care necessary for employment or education of the parents, and uninsured medical expenses. In any case, only things that the support order says are added on top of support are added. Everything else is to be covered by the child support.

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Answered on 8/25/11, 4:15 pm

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