Legal Question in Family Law in California

Child support for Disabled child after age 18

I have an 18 year old son who is majorly physically disabled. He started collecting SSI when he turned 18. (child support stopped at 18) He is totally dependent on me as he is very close to being a quadraplegic. The question is, is it possible to still collect child support from his father? I believe my atty may have dropped the ball on this when it wasn't addressed during the divorce proceedings 8 years ago. Divorce was in CA (father still lives there) My son and I live in Kentucy.

Asked on 7/06/08, 6:40 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Brian Levy, Esq. Law Office of Brian Don Levy

Reply: Child support for Disabled child after age 18

In a general sense, Family Code Section 3910 may apply to your situation. It staes that

the father and mother have an equal responsibility to maintain, to the extent of their ability, a child of whatever age who is incapacitated from earning a living and without sufficient means.

For a specific opinion regarding your individual circumstances, I suggest that you consult with an experienced family law lawyer. Experience is not expensive, it's priceless!

You will find some valuable information on various California family law issues by visiting my web site.

Good luck to you!

Brian Levy, Esq.

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Answered on 7/07/08, 6:46 pm

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