Legal Question in Family Law in California

Child support not being disbursed by state agency

Long story but I'll try to keep it short. About 3 years ago I found out I am the father of a girl who was 9 at the time. Over that time I have developed a very good relationship with my daughter but she lives in another state. Due to issues which I will not go into here my daughter's maternal grandmother now has legal guardianship over her, which both parents consented to. I have an excellent relationship with the maternal grandmother as well. The child support order was issued in CA and the guardianship was done in IA courts. CA was notified of the guardianship and stopped sending child support to ''mom''. The problem is it has been 5 months and CA has not disbursed any of the support money to the guardian (or anyone) even though it has been collected in full every month. So, essentially, CA is sitting on this money that should be going to support my daughter. Both myself and the guardian are extremely frustrated. We are continually given the run-around by child support services. What can we do?

Asked on 2/07/04, 1:43 am

1 Answer from Attorneys


Re: Child support not being disbursed by state agency

File a motion with the CA court to change the payee, or in the alternative to terminate the support. If the support is terminated you may then pay maternal grandmother directly. Good Luck, Pat McCrary

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Answered on 2/09/04, 9:57 am

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