Legal Question in Family Law in California

Child Support

My ex and I are now divorced he has the children most of the time during school year but we have them split during summer he is now trying to say he is gonna take me to court for child support I make very little money and he says he is going after my new husband for money can he do that since my husband isnt related to these children really.

Asked on 6/25/08, 6:14 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Robert Mccoy Law Office Of Robert McCoy

Re: Child Support

He can ask the court for an award of child support. Whether he will be successful I cannot say without income infomation. The court usually will not consider a new spouse's income, but there are some exceptions to this general rule. Your new husband's wages cannot be attached. In order to go after your new husband's money (i.e. his bank account) your ex will have to obtain a judgment or order determining a past amount due for child support. He can then obtain a writ of execution against your new husband's bank account and empty it out.

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Answered on 6/25/08, 8:02 pm

Re: Child Support

It is possible that he would owe you money even though the child is with him most of the time. That is more likely than your husband's income being attached or considered for child support. The exceptions where he can go after your husband or even have your husband's earnings considered in calculation child support are very rare. Talk to a family law attorney to get the full story giving him all of the details of your earnings and the time share and your ex's earnings. I suggest that you will sleep better at night if you are aware of the law in this matter. Good Luck, Pat McCrary

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Answered on 6/26/08, 10:52 am

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