Legal Question in Family Law in California
collecting my exhusband's retirement funds
I have been divorced for over 18 years and just lost my job is there any way to collect on my exhusbands retirement. We where married for over 15 years and the divorce paper states i am in titled to part on his retirement. Can i collect on it now.
thanks for your respons
Asked on 4/08/06, 7:08 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: collecting my exhusband's retirement funds
The simple answer is yes you can. You will need to bring a motion to divide the retirement plan and prepare a Qualified Domestic Relations Order. It would be difficult to do without an attorney. Most family law attorney's will not prepare a Qualified Domestic Relations Order. Good Luck, Pat McCrary
Answered on 4/09/06, 4:59 pm