Legal Question in Family Law in California
If there was a court order stating I'm supposed to get same amoung of support for my 3 childredn till the youngest turns 18, and now my ex husband went to court and took 2 oldest girls off of support because they are now over 18, and they turned around and are now saying I owe them over 6,000.00 and that I will not be getting more child support till it is all payed off, if it was a court order do I have to pay this money back?
Asked on 6/21/11, 10:17 am
1 Answer from Attorneys
I'm very sure you misunderstand the order. And if you do it was against the law. Support ends for each child when they turn 18 and are no longer in high school, or turn 19 regardless of whether they are in high school or not.
Answered on 6/22/11, 1:28 pm