Legal Question in Family Law in California

What can you say in court to prove that through community efforts my husbands business was able to make more money because I handled everything at home for my husband. I cooked, cleaned, did his laundry, bought his clothes, made appointments, ran his errands, took care of his children when they were at the house, did yardward, changed my oil, wrote letters to handle any personal affairs, provided medical, dental and vision insurance for him and his children...

How can I convence the court to give me a percentage of my husbands profit of the company. Down fall he lied on his taxes and created fake W-2's and claimed losses each year. Did not know anyone could do this. Plus his name is not on the bank account for his company. His 40% partner is. Why would the 60% owner of a company do this? Will he want to go to trail or settle with me? There are real monthly balance sheets on his computer. I have a couple of them with his writing. I have subpoenaed bank accounts to try to prove withdrawals of our personal account going into his business acccount. Is this all I need to get any money? He put it all in his name bank accounts, our stock. Said he did not want my ex to try to get while I was paying child support. California law should allow me to obtain half personal accounts and stock. Is there a reason I would not be able to get this if went to trail. I am currently waiting for him to counter offer my settlement proposal. I asked for 20% of his business profits because he transferred personal money into business account. He loaned is only partner 100K to get more shares of company when the dissoved their 3rd partner. Isn't half of any money people borrowed also mine? What will a judge look at or need to decide who gets what money?

Asked on 6/16/11, 8:08 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

You don't have to say anything to prove you are entitled to half the value of the business he built while you were married. That is the law. What you have to prove is where the money went, where it is, and what the value of the assets, including the business, is. It is simply impossible for a person without an attorney to figure out how to get that information, much less how to get it in a way that it will be admissible evidence in court. You need to contact an attorney immediately before you lose everything.

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Answered on 6/16/11, 9:16 am

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