Legal Question in Family Law in California

Custody to the father

I am not married but have a child with a girl. She is living with me as of now, but will be going to New Jersey to go to school full time. We have agreed my son will stay with me until she graduates from college and has a good job. What kind of paper work do I need to have in writing stating that she has no custody and I have full, or I guess sole custody. We are worried about her family getting involved to try to take our son away from me.

Asked on 4/13/03, 5:47 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

E. Daniel Bors Jr. Attorney & Counselor At Law

Re: Custody to the father

Dear Inquirer:

Nothing herein shall create an attorney-client relationship, unless a written retainer agreement is executed by the attorney and client. This communication contains general information only. Nothing herein shall constitute an attorney-client communication nor legal advice. There likely are deadlines and time-limits associated with your case; you should contact an attorney of your choice for legal advice specific to your personal situation, at once.

If you haven't already done so, please visit my

web site at --

The site contains quite a bit of general information about California Family Law, Tenants' Rights, and Juvenile Dependencies, as well as information about me (education, experience, et cetera) and my office (location, hours, fees, policies).


You need to establish your paternal relationship with the child and obtain sole legal and physical custody, both of which can be done by stipulation if she agrees.

Thanks for sharing your interesting inquiry with us on LawGuru, and good luck with your case.

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Answered on 5/25/03, 7:08 pm

Re: Custody to the father

To enforce your agreement and make it rock solid it will have to be the order of the court. Call me directly at (619) 222-3504.

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Answered on 4/14/03, 2:47 pm
Lyle Johnson Bedi and Johnson Attorneys at Law

Re: Custody to the father

You need to file a petition for paternity and get a court order that you are the father. Then you could get a court order that you will be the custodial parent while she is going to school and until she gets a job. This agreement should also provide for visitation. In regard to child support you can agree that the child's needs will be met without her paying any child support.

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Answered on 4/14/03, 12:56 am

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