Legal Question in Family Law in California
Help my daughter
I need someone to represent my kids in this ugly divorce that has been going on for 3 years. my kids are in the middle and I can't do anything about it. I hsve no money to retain someone and I can't watch my kids suffer anymore they need to be heard, They are 12 and 6. There are many issues that my ex refuses to compromise on. we have 50 / 50 custody. I need help please. How do i find a pro bono attorney to help them? I need this soon as a major event for my 12 yr, old is comming up and her father is beign difficult and she is stressing out over it, she is to young for this I need somone to listen to my story and point me in the right direction. Thank you Karen Pray
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Help my daughter
Contact the family court and ask about the family law clinic. You should be able to get some legal advice about this situation. Also you should be aware that if the court appoints an attorney to represent the children that attorney have considerable influence on the court. Often such attornies view the situation much differently than a parent. You should consider mediation and if necessary proceeding to an evaluation. The big event coming up soon may be the reason for requesting a hearing before the event.