Legal Question in Family Law in California

Dear Mr McCoy, I am in the process of a divorce. I have an attorney in the Clairmont area that I retained about a year ago to handle my end. To say the least, it has not been going well. We have had several disagreements recently and she decided to leave the case. I'm looking for new counsel. My ex, is living in West Virginia with her ex husband who she is still legally married to. Our marriage is a bigamous marriage. I was recently ordered to pay spousal support at the rate of $1040 per month. I have already paid her attorney $3000 for his fees, my attorney $5000. Now she wants half my retirement pension, and half the value of my home and contents. At 57 years old, and nearly cleaned out from all the legal costs I have endured, I'm nearing complete financial melt down. I need help in a hurry. She has forged my signature on her retirement documents in order to prevent me from getting them, she has lied in court stating that she was hospitilized with cancer, but none of this has even been brought to the courts attention. I have asked my attorney countless questions, but seldom get anything from her beyond a monthly bill. I send her e-mails and get nothing in return or very little. My question is this, if my ex is still legally married to her ex, why am I paying spousal support? Am I expecting to much for my attorney to respond to my concerns?

Thank You, John Carson

Asked on 4/04/11, 11:33 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

You should not be paying spousal support for a bigamous marriage unless you knowingly entered into it. You need a new attorney immediately.

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Answered on 4/04/11, 12:53 pm

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