Legal Question in Family Law in California
I'm going through a divorce and I just bought a house. Why does my future ex-wife needs to sign an interspousal deed if she is not entitle to the property as it was acquired after separations?
Asked on 8/25/09, 12:43 pm
2 Answers from Attorneys
She either needs to sign a deed or you need to file a motion to get an order that the house is your separate property. Good Luck, Pat McCrary
Answered on 8/25/09, 12:50 pm
Garrison Klueck
Law & Mediation Offices of Garrison Klueck
It depends upon whether escrow has closed or not. If escrow has not closed, that is routinely required by the lender. If the purchase is complete and she is on title, she will need to quitclaim her interest to you so it will be considered your separate property.
Answered on 8/25/09, 8:16 pm