Legal Question in Family Law in California
I have a Divorce settlement that has been signed and recorded. In this settlement my X-wife is ordered to pay me $274 a month toward our debt. I pay these bills to make sure that they are in fact paid and she reimbeurses me. The problem I am having is what recourse do I have when and if she does not pay. What can I do to make her pay?
In the settlement she also gave up her portion of our Joint State Income Tax check. This check is issued in both of our names and I can not get her to cooperate in sighning the check so that I can cash it. What recourse to have availiable to me for this action as well?
Thank you.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Your remedy is an OSC re: Contempt. The courts do not like it when people ignore their orders. Ultimately it will result in a weekend or so in the county jail if the orders are not complied with.