Legal Question in Family Law in California
Is he divorced?
My soon to be husband and I are planning on getting married next week. 21 years ago he got married to a woman for about 6months he was in the miltary. I guess he filed for a divorce through the miltary? Anyways its been 21 years never seen or heard from her again. has looked her up because he has no paperwork from the divorce. Went to the court in orange county were he thought it could be filed but no record. So Is he still married? They got married in nevada but should have been filed in california?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Is he divorced?
No one knows the answer to your question. The mere passage of time does not dissolve a marriage. A through search of court records in Nevada and California should be under taken. You should also check death records. If no record of a divorce or death is found then you should consider filing a petition for dissolution of marriage. This will take 6 months after she is served in California. Service can be obtained through publication.