Legal Question in Family Law in California

I am getting divorced, we were married June18th 2009, and I have a son who is 9 months. While we were married my husband supported me financially. I moved out of the apartment on my own June 16th 2010, we have not filed yet. I need to know what I am entitled to, as far as alimony and child support, because the 1st is coming up. Its our intention to share custody 50/50.

Asked on 6/22/10, 12:18 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

You will be entitled to little if any spousal support due to how short the marriage was. Child support is calculated on in a complex formula that involves first a calcuation of net disposable income (which is often not what you or I would call disposable income) and then application of a formula based on number of children and custodial time to those figures. In short, it is impossible to even guess at child support numbers without full income and expense information.

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Answered on 6/22/10, 3:34 pm

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