Legal Question in Family Law in California
What am i entitled to? Spouse having affair
My spouse of 25 years admitted to an affair. Our finances have been contributed as so:
3400/mo by myself
2000/mo by spouse
We own a house worth approx. $400k. He wants $150k from me so I can keep the house. What am I entitled to due to his affair? Also, what am I entitled to due to the imbalance of financial contribution? Thank you.
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: What am i entitled to? Spouse having affair
Calfiornia is a no-fault state. There are no monetary damages for an affair so no offset on the house value. As your income is community property there is no pro-rating the house equity. It will be divided 50/50. Good Luck, Pat McCrary
Reply: What am i entitled to? Spouse having affair
In a general sense, California is a no fault divorce state. Therefor, the affair is a non-issue when it comes to allocation of assets, debts and support rights.
For a specific opinion regarding your individual circumstances, I suggest that you consult with an experienced family law lawyer. Experience is not expensive, it's priceless!
You will find some valuable information on various California family law issues by visiting my web site.
Good luck to you!
Brian Levy, Esq.