Legal Question in Family Law in California

My ex-wife is involved in prostitution how do I prevent her from seeing my children. She has 25% custody?

Asked on 9/23/09, 11:35 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Unless you can prove she is exposing your children to her "profession" you are not likely to get very far. Even if you can, you are not going to prevent her from seeing them. You may get a downward adjustment in time; or supervised visitation, or some other restrictions. But children are presumed by law, and have been shown by much research, to be best served by regular and frequent contact with the non-custodial parent. Unless you have proof that the harm of being around her is materially worse than the benefit they get from having a relationship with the woman who carried them and brought them into the world, you would be better serving your children by focusing on the positives in their lives than fighting to try to keep them from seeing their mother.

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Answered on 9/24/09, 12:33 am

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