Legal Question in Family Law in California
family law
i have a case pending that my parents want visition with my daughter and i need to know how/if it would be good to bring up troxel vir. Granville
lexsee 120 SCT. 2054
Asked on 1/28/08, 6:40 pm
2 Answers from Attorneys
Phillip Lemmons, Esq.
Phillip Lemmons APC, Attorneys at Law
Re: family law
Sure use all the authority you can so long as it's relevant. I am not claiming that the case is relevant, I can't without know more about your case.
Answered on 1/28/08, 7:19 pm
Re: family law
That is certainly a relevant case and should be brought up. There are other cases since then that are relevant, however, without knowning all of the facts cannot advise you. I would strongly suggest that you retain an attorney. Good Luck, Pat MccRary
Answered on 1/28/08, 7:47 pm