Legal Question in Family Law in California
If some one has filed for divorce, and it was printed in the paper under recently divorces, and the only task remaining is a final court date regarding visitation, and it is all done can one of the parties get married to some one else?
Asked on 7/08/10, 9:15 am
2 Answers from Attorneys
Rhonda Ellifritz
Law Offices of Rhonda Ellifritz
Not until a final judgment is signed by the judge and filed with the court. It will be mailed to ykou at the address on file with the court.
Answered on 7/08/10, 12:30 pm
Anthony Roach
Law Office of Anthony A. Roach
Only if the court has entered a judgment terminating "status." It is done on a mandatory judicial council form. It is not hard to miss.
Answered on 7/08/10, 7:46 pm