Legal Question in Family Law in California

Fradulant dissolution of civil marriage no mention of Indeian marriage

An Indian young lady (holding indian citizen ship at that time) got married in England as per Indian religious ceremony to an American citizen. Later her husband divorced her in California without her knowledge mentioning the civil marriage only (that had taken place in California after 6 months of the religious marriage).

They lived together as a married couple as the wife was not aware of anything her husband had done behind her back. After some yearsthe couple traveled to India and on the husband's request renewed their wedding vowes once again at the girl's parents' residence and willy-nilly dowry was given once again to the husband. Recently she found out about the above incident and is going through a tough time. Her husband says that she is divorced but she contradicts and claims that she is still married to her husband whome she dearly loves. She has reopened the divorce dissolution that took place in California without her knowledge. Pleasehelp clarify the women's status. Is she still married under Indian law just as she claims that the religious marriage was neither mentioned nor was she an active party to the divorce? What about the renewing of the wedding vowes that was wittnesed by her family in indi?

Asked on 5/12/06, 3:32 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Lyle Johnson Bedi and Johnson Attorneys at Law

Re: Fradulant dissolution of civil marriage no mention of Indeian marriage

As a general rule if the marriage is valid in India the marriage would be recognized in California. Check with an attorney in India as to the validity of the marriage. Why does she want to continue with someone who has treated her is such a shabby manner.

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Answered on 5/18/06, 12:55 am

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