Legal Question in Family Law in California

I have full legal and physical custody of my 2 boys, other parent was abusing, neglecting and the boys were abused and molested by half older brother while in other parents care, they did nothing about it.

I have had the boys for over 2.5 years now, other parent has had no contact besides few phone calls for over 1.9 years now, they are trying to get some type of custody change to a 50/50, I will not agree to that. I have given them supervised visitation to the other parent only, they have not even had tried to visit once yet.

We have a hearing on the 10th of August 2010. What could happen? The older half brother is still living with other parent, I have asked the courts for the other parent to have only supervised visitation and nothing else. I do not want to change the custody agreement for now; this will prevent the other parent from taking the kids and running. That also has been done in the past. So what could the judge order or redo?

Asked on 6/21/10, 2:08 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

The judge can order whatever her or she considers to be in the best interests of the children.

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Answered on 6/23/10, 9:07 am

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