Legal Question in Family Law in California

A girl I got pregnant over 14 year ago had me sign over my parental rights just after the baby was born. I did it through the courts system in forms that she sent me. She was in CA while I was in CO. She had me sign away my rights. At the time, I was young and dumb, and had little to no income. She didn't want me to be involved and told me that she didn't want anything from me. Now over 14 years later, she has filed a child support case against me. What are my rights?

Asked on 9/11/12, 5:45 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Anthony Roach Law Office of Anthony A. Roach

There is no such thing as waiving your parental rights. Any agreement between parents that purports to waive child support is unenforceable as a matter of law. Parental rights are taken away by the courts, such as in adoption, or in dependency cases when a minor becomes a ward of the state.

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Answered on 9/11/12, 6:31 pm

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