Legal Question in Family Law in California

My girlfriend makes over $30 an hour & I make $17 an hour & she is threating to get child support. I can barely pay my bills & am late with rent now, what can she make me pay & will the court decide to schedule visitation when we can both have them when time is available?

Asked on 5/14/11, 2:44 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

She could theoretically get support if she had enough custodial time. Although this is just a completely rough estimate, if she gets physical custody of 80% or more, you would owe child support. The child custody order and schedule will be whatever the court finds is "in the best interests of the minor child." That can only be determined by evaluation of all the facts and circumstances of the whole situation.

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Answered on 5/14/11, 4:28 pm
Arlene Kock Law Offices of Arlene D. Kock APLC

I agree with Tim. The Family Code holds that both parents are responsible for the support and maintenance of their child(ren). Child support is primarily based upon the incomes of the parties and the actual time share. California uses a support calculator to determine the child support.

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Answered on 5/16/11, 10:24 am

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