Legal Question in Family Law in California

My grandson has been taken by his other grandparents across state line to Texas , now the story is long so I just want to tighten it up. My ex son in law to be, came to our house pretending to make up with my daughter, i was asleep, and they were going to go out to talk he talk my grandson ran down the stairs my daughter is running to get dressed and catch him and his gone. Now this is days later with him pretending to just visit his son , and really he is already in Texas with his family. My daughter has no money for a lawyer so she got a restraining order here in Ca. which they said would take care of the problem. But when she got there , the police lied the Dist Att lied , pretending they where giving her son back to her. Then they threw a temprory custody order at her, and she has no one to back her up, and the Judge would not let her talk.. Then when she gets back to ca. our District atttorney abduction unit says now that they those papers I guess., they say they cannot do anything about it, becus she didnt show for her restraining hearing, which was thrown out by the Texas judge she was told.. We are lost they just kept him , my son in law is in military jail for leave of absence and now he is being charged with assaulting my daughter , and indangering my granddaughter, his step, And the grandparents have all there clothes because they had to escape the grandfaughter who was acting weird and dangerous. My ex son in law had a gun and tried to kill himself and the cops did nothing, so thats why she had to get out of there anyway that was the start of it she had her son then but not now.. Help any ideas

Asked on 6/10/11, 4:08 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Arlene Kock Law Offices of Arlene D. Kock APLC

This tragic situation cries out for your daughter to secure an attorney to assist her. There are some sliding scale services or domestic violence law clinics that may exist in your jurisdiction. Please contact your local county bar association to see if they can priovide a referral to your daughter for legal representation.

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Answered on 6/10/11, 7:30 pm

This situation has already been made almost too confusing to follow by you and your daughter trying to deal with it without an attorney. It will just get worse and worse for you if you don't hire one.

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Answered on 6/11/11, 3:18 pm

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