Legal Question in Family Law in California
My husband is adopting my son, and the biological father has signed the Stepparent Adoption form. However, the biological father has his lawyer write a stipulation entailing that he does not pay child support for the times he has not paid, which was about 3 years. His lawyer is holding the Stepparent Adoption form �hostage� until I sign the stipulation and it has been fully executed. What are my options to have this adoption go through without dealing with the biological father, can I just go to court and have the biological father�s right terminated so I do not have to wait until the stipulation has been fully executed?
1 Answer from Attorneys
You can file a motion to terminate parental rights. But, if you were looking for a faster fix, if anything, this will cause everything to take even more time. It is very common in adoption cases to use the back child support as a carrot to get someone to sign off on an adoption. Good luck!