Legal Question in Family Law in California
i dont have the money to hire a lawyer,i am on disability and i just want to get a divorce i am aware about getting the fees waved however he is not willing to do anything even pay the $355.00 fee it will cost him he is a felon who is currently on county parole working without paying any taxes and he doesnt live with me he lives with his mother who has plenty of money he doesnt help me at all however we have no children his mother has spent thousands of dollars to keep him out of prison i really do not care about the money he makes now or the money he will get when she passes away i just really want him out of my life for ever he keeps telling me if i sue him for spousal support and the courts find out he isnt paying taxes he will never give me a dime but he doesnt give me a penny now i do not know what to do
1 Answer from Attorneys
I'm not sure what you're asking. You can file for dissolution and request spousal support or you can ask the Court to reserve jurisdiction over spousal support (which means don't order it now, but give you the option to petition the Court for it later).
Also, you can serve him with the dissolution papers and if he doesn't respond, you request the Court to enter a default against him. This means the Court will go through the process without your husband's participation.