Legal Question in Family Law in California
Multiple State Marriage
My husband and I hold marriage licences in both Michigan and California. We are filing for divorce, will we have to file in both states?
4 Answers from Attorneys
Reply: Multiple State Marriage
You can only file for divorce in the state in which you reside.
I suggest that you consult with an experienced family law lawyer. Experience is not expensive, it's priceless!
You will find some valuable information on various family law issues at my web site.
Good luck to you!
Brian Levy, Esq.
Re: Multiple State Marriage
You can get divorced whereever you live, not where you got married. Where you got married has nothing to do with where you get divorced. Bill Stern 248-353-9400
Re: Multiple State Marriage
I would need to know is your marital domicile meaning "where you have established marital residency" to answer your question. However, you will need to file only in one State only. You may contact me through e-mail [email protected].
Re: Multiple State Marriage
You can only file for divorce in the state where you reside. Usually time limit/residency requirement. Not sure why you have two marriage licenses, however, one divorce should suffice. Don Holben 800-685-6950