Legal Question in Family Law in California

Help needed fast dead beat

Ok my husband is no longer working hwe was terminated about 2 months ago and has stopped giving me support, He owes me back child support of 636 a month from apr 2003 till febuary 2006 and he owes me a 20% of his over time from Apr 03 till he stopped working. I am currently applieing for FDC. I am going to court tomarrow and dont know what to say to the judge or ask how to speak the judge. FYI he has a BMW 745, a R1 motorcycle, and has paid off my mazda tribute, 5000 dollars after he was terminated. He also baught a house with exgirlfriend while we were seperated befor final decree, he and my exlawyer made me sign a interspousal deed, but he was supposed to buy the house 100% financed by himself. What can I do?

Asked on 12/26/06, 4:12 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Lyle Johnson Bedi and Johnson Attorneys at Law

Re: Help needed fast dead beat

Due to a glitch in my email account I did not see your question until today. You should contact an attorney to review your case. If he has not complied with the conditions of the judgement you can file a motion to enforce the judgement. You should also check the title of the house he purchased. Recording an abstract of the child support order will place a lien on his home. When he sells or refinances he will have to pay the judgement plust 10% interest on the unpaid child support.

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Answered on 1/10/07, 2:36 pm

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