Legal Question in Family Law in California

what is the order of next of kin in the state of california

Asked on 1/04/10, 2:19 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

That would take a long time to type up here, and would also depend somewhat on the purpose of the determination, such as whether for intestate succession versus medical decisions. For intestate succession, not including spouses who have special rights under community property laws, the short list is: 1. children; if none living then 2. grandchildren and so on down the line. If there are no living decendants, then next is 3. parents; if neither is living then 4. siblings; and if none are living then their descendants. If you have no living children, parents, sibilings or issue or decendants of any of them, it goes back up the family tree to your grandparents, and then down again. I'll stop there. If you have a more specific question regarding a particular set of relatives, let me know and I'll give you a more specific answer.

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Answered on 1/09/10, 8:20 pm

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