Legal Question in Family Law in California

My partner of nine years and I are breaking up-we aren't married. She knows basically all of my secrets and I'm afraid she is going to tell our friends about them (the break up was not mutual). Would a confidentiality agreement be effective in protecting my privacy? How much should it cost to get one created by a lawyer and what kind of lawyer should I go to? Thanks!

Asked on 5/28/11, 9:22 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

George Shers Law Offices of Georges H. Shers

Such an agreement probably would not be effective. There is a question as to whether it would be legal [especially as to any improper acts you did that might be the basis of a lawsuit or police report by anyone against you], why would she sign it, how do you know if she violates it, how do you enforce it [civil suit for damages, but what are your damages unless you put some number in the agreement as liquidated damages], etc. Its main effect would be psychological--would she feel she can not reveal anything.

If it brings you some peace of mind, you can spend the money and most attorneys could draw something up. I charge $100 per hour, you should speak to other attorneys to find out what they think about it ans what they would charge. It might take 2-2.5 hours including speaking to you to find out what you want covered. I would discuss the matter with her first to see if she would sign anything and at what cost.

You can contact me at [email protected] or 510-441-2684

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Answered on 5/28/11, 11:51 am

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