Legal Question in Family Law in California


17 years ago I was told that a six month old child looked like me. 17 years have past and the mother has notified me her child would like to get to know her father. I am thinking of taking a paternity test to find out if the child is mine, but would like to know if I am legaly bound to do so or if I am financialy obligated to pay back child suport. Thank you

Asked on 3/27/07, 7:30 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Robert Mccoy Law Office Of Robert McCoy

Re: paternity

You are not legally bound to take a paternity test unless the court orders you to. In the event you do take a paternity test and are determined to be the father of the child, you will not be obligated to pay back child support unless there already was a court order in existence that had already determined you to be the father of the child. You could be ordered to pay future support though.

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Answered on 3/27/07, 8:41 pm

Re: paternity

Unless there is a court order you are not required to take the paternity test. In California child support cannot be retroactive, so if jursidiction is in the State of California you cannot generally be ordered to pay back child support. You should talk to an attorney who handles paternity cases before you agree to anything. You should talk to one now so that you don't lose sleep worrying about what will happen, but certainly before you agree to anything. Good Luck, Pat McCrary

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Answered on 3/28/07, 12:11 pm

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