Legal Question in Family Law in California

help me pls.

Greetings from El salvador, My ex and I got divorce in california(sacramento) we both got and the court granted us equal time with our son that we were to agreed, our son was living with me back in El Salvador and I send him on vacation with my ex-wife and she send me a legal paper stating that our son was to be send back to me after a month, but since sept/11/01 they moved and I do not know where they are, what do I need to do to get my son back, who can help with all the legal matters me being here in El Salvador, and what will happen to my ex-wife, and what will happen to my son, Thank You 4 Your time..........Dan--name removed-- ps:I have family in california.

Asked on 4/14/03, 12:12 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

H.M. Torrey The Law Offices of H.M. Torrey

Re: help me pls.

Hi Dan,

thanks for you legal question submission. first off, i would like to offer you the sympathy of our law firm for what you are being put thru with your ex-wife in respect to not being able to locate and have your son with you per the court order. our law firm would consider it a honor and privilege to help assist you legally in this matter and help ensure the safe return of your son. if you can email me with more specific details regarding your court ordered custody as well as the last known address of your ex-wife, our law firm will do everything in our power to locate her on your behalf and help bring your son home to you as soon as possible. once again, we greatly empathize with your situation and will work hard to get you justice asap in respect to getting physical custody of your son back promptly. warmest regards.

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Answered on 4/14/03, 12:23 pm
Lyle Johnson Bedi and Johnson Attorneys at Law

Re: help me pls.

Get a certified copy of the custody order and then file a report with the district attorney's office in Sacamento county, or county in which she was residing at the time she took your child. The district attorney's office should search for her and can obtain a warrant for her arrest.

The other option is to hire an attorney and a private investigate to attempt to locate her and to file a Order to Show cause for contempt.

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Answered on 4/15/03, 1:13 am

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