Legal Question in Family Law in California
Raise or Bonuses and wage assignment
My divorce decree states that my ex must notify me of any non-
base salary income. How can I find out if he's gotten any raises or
bonuses since he'll never ''offer'' the information to me? Also, I
already have a wage assignment for CS & SS, can I get his
employer to automatically withhold my entitled percentage of
bonuses anytime he gets a one?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Reply: Raise or Bonuses and wage assignment
In a general sense you can get the financial information by asking him to prepare and serve an income & expense delcaration with his 3 most recent pay stubs, or subpoena the records. If the wage assignment is properly filled out, it can include a requirement that the employer pay a percentage of any bonus or gross income above a specified base pay.
For a specific opinion regarding your individual circumstances, I suggest that you consult with an experienced family law lawyer. Experience is not expensive, it's priceless!
You will find some valuable information on various California family law issues by visiting my web site.
Good luck to you!
Brian Levy, Esq.