Legal Question in Family Law in California
Recourse To Get LiveIn Boyfriend Out of My Home
My boyfriend has been living with me in my Contra Costa County CA home 10 1/2 yrs. I own the home as a single woman, we don't have a written agreement, he hasn't paid me rent for 4 months by mutual agreement,he used to pay rent. When discussing him leaving he says he won't, he feels entitled as he has improved my home (again no agreement). Can a person evict a tenant-at-will? If so what is process? Do I need to give 60 day notice as he has been there over 10 years? Must I claim fear of physical abuse in order to get a restraining order? If I get a restraining order against him, is there a way he could be allowed on property to move his goods etc? Norma
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Recourse To Get LiveIn Boyfriend Out of My Home
You should talk with an attorney about your situation. You asked about alleging physical violence to get a restraining order. You must be very truthful in any request for a restraining order. To get a domestic violence restraining order does not require actual physical violence. The restraining order can be issued if there is emotional abuse. An attorney can help evaluate the possibility of getting a restraining order and his removal from your home.
Re: Recourse To Get LiveIn Boyfriend Out of My Home
I can help you with doing an unlawful detainer case against your boyfriend for reasonable fees.
Joshua Hale