Legal Question in Family Law in California

Why do I need to repost? Because you are a Lawyer, LOL....I found that 99.9 percent of Family Law attorney have NO knowledge of Probate 1516.5 But will charge me over 10k dollars for services. I have successfully adopted my youngest son without a Lawyer..

Please educate yourselves, California Family Law Attorneys....Probate1516.5

Asked on 5/11/11, 4:55 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

You seem not to be aware of how LawGuru works. We are not a bunch of lawyers sitting in front of computers at some facility. When a person posts something in the Q&A part of the site, it gets emailed to a number of completely independent practicing attorneys who have agreed to receive questions in the area of the law the questioner selects. We then can elect to answer or not. For this reason, unless we happen choose to answer a question that has a previous answer, or we review our answers to see if another attorney has posted a different opinion, we have no clue what other attorneys have said. The reason this is relevant is that your posting above has been sent to a large number of attorneys who have no context for it, and therefore have no idea what you are talking about. Only one of us said anything about reposting, and the rest of us have no idea what your previous posting was, why the other attorney said to repost, or anything else. If you have a legal question about Probate Code section 1516.5 proceedings, we cannot help you until we have a complete and clear statement of your question. So regardless of why the other attorney said to repost, you need to repost now if you want any help from the rest of us, because we have no clue what you are talking about.

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Answered on 5/11/11, 5:20 pm
Anthony Roach Law Office of Anthony A. Roach

Is this a legal question? Or the results of a survey that you conducted with all family lawyers in California? I don't recall participating in any survey, so maybe your statistics are skewed.

I agree with Mr. McCormick. You refer to something that the recipients of this message don't understand because we do not have the benefit of the prior attorney's response or any information to provide context. If you want to respond to a particular attorney, it may be better for you to send that particular attorney a private e-mail.

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Answered on 5/12/11, 7:20 am
Rhonda Ellifritz Law Offices of Rhonda Ellifritz

Isn't this the third time you are posting something about this issue, and you still are being hostile? I don't even have an idea what your actual question is. I tried to find your original posting and the answer just to find out what you are so angry about, but had no luck. I don't know why you are even posting a question (although it seems like more of an insulting comment) since you seem to know so much more than us family law attorneys and feel the need to tell us all to educate ourselves. I think your anger at a particular attorney is being vented on people who had nothing to do with the situation. I am sorry you had a less than satisfactory experience. Mr. McCormick has explained how the process works for us answering your questions, but I would like to mention that we don't get paid for answering the questions, so being insulting will likely result in no answer to your question.

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Answered on 5/12/11, 10:56 am

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