Legal Question in Family Law in California

Retrieval of Personal Property

I was living with a man. When I moved out I took everything with me that I could fit in my car. I left behind some personal electronics. When I came back to retrieve them he had hid them and said that he didn't have them. I called the police and although I had the receipts to prove that I purchased these items with my credit card, he said that he had given me the cash to buy them for him. The police could not do anything because the items were not in plain view. He has now taken things out of hiding and is using them again. What are my legal options of getting my things back? Can I call the police again and have them come out with me?

Asked on 10/23/08, 10:48 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

James Chau Law Offices James Chau

Re: Retrieval of Personal Property

You should call the police and explain to them your situation. The police will notify you whether it is allowable and within their duty to do such a thing.

Good luck.

As always please consult a qualified attorney before taking legal steps.

Law Offices James Chau

181 Devine St.

San Jose, CA. 95110

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Answered on 10/26/08, 3:22 am

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