Legal Question in Family Law in California

Schedule of Assets and Debts form

My divorce was final Dec 2003 but the only disputed community property, the house, was bifurcated out. We are negotiating a buyout amount I will pay to my ex for his share. His attorney wants me to submit a Schedule of Assets and Debts form. Since the divorce is final,and we've previously agreed on all other community property issues, I don't feel I need to submit this form. I want to maintain my financial privacy if possible. Must I submit this form? Thanks.

Asked on 10/07/04, 2:59 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Brian Levy, Esq. Law Office of Brian Don Levy

Re: Schedule of Assets and Debts form

One would need to review the underlying documents before providing you with an opinion.

For a specific opinion regarding your individual circumstances, I suggest that you consult with an experienced family law lawyer. Experience is not expensive, it's priceless!

You will find some valuable information on various California family law issues by visiting my web site.

Good luck to you!

Brian Levy, Esq.

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Answered on 10/08/04, 4:04 pm

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