Legal Question in Family Law in California
My son father and I have 50/50 his father and wife register out son in school up where they live and I didn't know and til I took him to his first day of school I let it go .. He said he will help with gas and never did... I keep him there cause I didn't want to take him out cause he have family on his dad side that all love up there, me thinking oh what a great thing cause they can help with child care.. It work will for about 2 1/2 til he want him full time... So he is making it very hard for me... Going up and and down 5 days a week in gas alone cost me 150 and car problem... My question is of I move to a different city can I request our son to change school.. Meeting halfway or something . I'm getting married and planning on moving in with him... What will happen.. Do I have to make that hr drive everyday... My work is in the same city as where I'm gonna live... What's my option.. Thank you
1 Answer from Attorneys
These kinds of parenting issues are best sorted out by the parents working together on solving the problem. A possible way to do this would be to go to coparenting counseling to sort this out. If you cannot reach an agreement on these issues, then a return to court to get specific orders would be appropriate.