Legal Question in Family Law in California

My son and his wife are currently going through a foster adoption in California. The bio. mother has been deemed unfit by the state but she comes to court everytime with a public defender and a social worker. Her relatives were denied custody of the baby for one reason or another and she even had a guy claim that he was the but he later changed his mind. My son and his wife have had the baby since birth and he is now 7 months old. Once a month they have to let the bio. mom have a supervised visit with the baby, which they thought would stop this month but dates keep changing for the bio. mom's benefit. At the last court date there were attorney's there, we are assuming that they were the bio. moms and the baby's. Again, another delay in the bio mom's favor. My son has been listening to his social worker as far as procedures, not to ruffel anyones feathers, but I think he needs a legal advocate. Would is be proper for my son to bring an attorney with him at his next court date or would it look combative?

Asked on 5/12/11, 7:14 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

At this point it matters less how it looks and more that your son has proper legal advice and representation.

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Answered on 5/12/11, 9:15 pm
Rhonda Ellifritz Law Offices of Rhonda Ellifritz

I don't think it would look combative. We are talking about the best interests of the child, and the attorney would get the focus back on the child, not the Bio who can't get their act together. That child needs stability and it sounds like mom cannot provide that. I would bring an attorney.

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Answered on 5/13/11, 9:01 am

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