Legal Question in Family Law in California

Hi there, okay, so this sounds horrible, and will take me a while to get to the point. I married my first child, which she is now two years old, father. We seperated for a good while, in the process of being seperated I got pregnant accidently (birth control failed). I didnt know I was pregnant, broke up with him, was talking to my husband again, and found out I was pregnant and told my husband immidetly. He told me he was more than willing to raise my secound child as hes own, and was willing to do whatever it took to make sure he was takein care of. I found out when I was 6 weeks. To make things a tad bit shorter, I told my sons father that I was pregnant, and he said he would support hes child. For some reason when he found out I was pregnant, he thought that meant we would be back together. I informed him I still didnt want to be with him, and he became bitter and irraite. He would go back in forth from saying he would do things for the pregnancy as than back to saying I needed to do it on my own, and he would get hes stuff on hes own. I am now almost 6 months pregnant and have only seen a total of 120 dolors from him. First it was 40, than it was 80. He has called my house phone a hundred times, and my cell phone and wouldnt listen to me or my dad about leaveing me alone. Anytime things are not going right he wants to threaten me with court or some other bullcrap. Now here is my question, one of a few, one, can I go to court to file for full custody and only visitaion rights with him? Also, what can he legally do if I put my sons last name as my husbands, my daughters, and mine? Would he be able to change it? Would he be able to get more than just visition rights even tho he hasnt helped? Also, by law since I was married at the time while I got pregnant with my son, would we be able to move in the future? I would also like to add my husband pays for everything for my son, includeing health insurance. What rights would my sons father have? Thank you!

Asked on 4/17/11, 8:56 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

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