Legal Question in Family Law in California
When does spring break end?
In an agreement my ex and I agreed that our sons would be with me on spring break. Now he claims it only applies from Monday to Friday (the school days off) and not the weekends. I believe it includes the weekend before and after those dates. Can you please help?
Asked on 3/09/12, 10:17 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
There is no legal answer to your question. There are custody schedules that include both weekends, neither weekend, or one weekend, and there are ones that say the weekends are handled the same as regular school weeks and the break is the week. If you do not have a custody order in place, you will have to go get one and have the court decide which schedule is in the best interests of the child(ren).
Answered on 3/12/12, 12:00 am