Legal Question in Family Law in California
Taking a step-child out of country
My wife and I would like to take our son (my step son) on a cruise to Mexico. She has heard that we need a letter from the birth father authorizing us to do so. We do not know how to get in touch with the birth father and he has made no attempts in the last 3 years to contact us or his son. How do I take my son on a cruise if we can't contact the birth father?
Thank you.
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Taking a step-child out of country
Check with your travel agent. As far as I know, all you need is a certified copy of the child's birth certificate to go on a cruise to Mexico. If your travel agent tells you something different, please let me know!
Good luck and pleasant sailing.
Brian Levy, Esq.
Re: Taking a step-child out of country
This may be an excellent time to petition the court for mom to have sole physical and legal custody of the child. Also if you are considering adopting this would also be a good time to proecede.
File a motion with the court requesting this change. Prior to filing the motion check for his location. Check with his family, DMV, and registrar of voters. If you get an address mail him a copy of the motion. He may not show at the hearing.